Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Today's Anxieties

I do a lot of reading and research on every topic that people call me and they just have no idea how to go about finding more information. However I still haven't found an answer to Today's anxieties.

Whether you are overweight and want to lose weight ?
Whether you are slim, but you don't know if the pounds will stay off?
How much should I eat and really know is enough ?
I hate frozen meals, but what are fresh alternatives to keep a calorie count?
How do I know If I have the right career?
Do I need to quit?
How do I know if it's really the time to invest?
Am I sleeping too Much?
Do I need a Vacation ?
Is it time to go back to school ?
Do I have money to spend?
When am I shopping too much?
Am I in too much credit card debt ?
Am I doing a good Budget?
Am I saving in Food ? - How Many stores do I visit?
Am I with the right man or woman?
How do I know if they really love me ?
How much money is too much money to spend in a present ?
Do I get mad went they do something wrong or do I just ignore it?

Those are just a few of questions that linger in mind, And I try to clarify them as day passes. But I am still at square one. I will tell you my life experiences some will make you cry and some will definitely make you laugh... But Maybe you and me together will find the answer to what makes me Anxious today !

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